Student Attendance Tracking

(1 customer review)

  • Attendance capture is the most important administrative activity in an organization where there is a direct correlation between attendance and salary/wages. Attendance management program is part of a strategic human resources management, is a concept concerning management and administration of an employee’s obligation to maintain a reliable and regular presence at work. The goal of attendance management is the creation of a working environment that motivates employees to maintain regular attendance.
  • Time It is a powerful attendance management tool that automates the time tracking process. This helps to decrease administrative & accounting costs and thus increases the productivity. This easy to understand system, monitors staff attendance and saves manual labor in maintaining muster records. It also quickens admin information presentation to the management and helps save time and cost while enabling the managers to target resources more effectively. This tool ensures an accurate and automatic capture of data from biometric devices and transfer to a payroll system.
  • Time It maintains the details of each employee in an organization, classified in to different division/departments. Administrator can manage different shifts and employees can be assigned to the respective shifts time to time. Based on the shift start & end time, employee’s late & early leaving time will be automatically calculated. Administrator can easily know the total working time and total leisure time taken by each employee, leave management option helps to track the leaves taken classified in to Casual leave, Privilege leave. When the leave exceeds the allowed limit, it will be automatically added to the loss of pay. Administrator can also easily track the absent and official tours conducted by the employees.


  • The management can easily know the employee performance and identify the liabilities in the system
  • On the employees, each of them becomes responsible for any absenteeism and thus is inspired to be efficient at work
  • The overall performance improves over a period of time.
  • We can know how much an individual spends his time for the organization and can correspondingly reward him
  • easy and less time consuming and helps evaluate work hours.

1 review for Student Attendance Tracking

  1. Rahul

    Student attendance tracking systems offer a powerful solution to streamline attendance management, enhance productivity, and ensure that students are accountable for their presence and participation in academic activities.

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